One Java library that offers a good set of features is docx4j. This library uses JAXB to convert between xml and Java objects. I played with it and I managed to create a docx file with needed functionality.
Microsoft docx uses a special measure unit called dxa which represents 1/20 from a point. You should use following conversions:
20 dxa = 1 point
1440 dxa = 1 inch = 72 points
In Java we need to know screen resolution and we can convert from pixels to dxa:
// get dots per inch protected static int getDPI() { return GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() ? 96 : Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenResolution(); }
private int pixelsToDxa(int pixels) { return ( 1440 * pixels / getDPI() ); }
We initialize our docx generator:
private static WordprocessingMLPackage wordMLPackage; private static ObjectFactory factory; .....
boolean landscape = false;
wordMLPackage = WordprocessingMLPackage.createPackage(PageSizePaper.A4, landscape); factory = Context.getWmlObjectFactory();
We can set document page margins to 50 pixels:
private void setPageMargins() { try { Body body = wordMLPackage.getMainDocumentPart().getContents().getBody(); PageDimensions page = new PageDimensions(); PgMar pgMar = page.getPgMar(); pgMar.setBottom(BigInteger.valueOf(pixelsToDxa(50))); pgMar.setTop(BigInteger.valueOf(pixelsToDxa(50))); pgMar.setLeft(BigInteger.valueOf(pixelsToDxa(50))); pgMar.setRight(BigInteger.valueOf(pixelsToDxa(50))); SectPr sectPr = factory.createSectPr(); body.setSectPr(sectPr); sectPr.setPgMar(pgMar); } catch (Docx4JException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
We add a table and save the file:
Tbl table = createTableWithContent(); wordMLPackage.getMainDocumentPart().addObject(table); File("C:/Test.docx"));
We define a DocxStyle bean class to be used with following properties:
private boolean bold; private boolean italic; private boolean underline; private String fontSize; private String fontColor; private String fontFamily;
// cell margins private int left; private int bottom; private int top; private int right; private String background; private STVerticalJc verticalAlignment; private JcEnumeration horizAlignment; private boolean borderLeft; private boolean borderRight; private boolean borderTop; private boolean borderBottom; private boolean noWrap;Our createTableWithContent method follows (we use dxa values). There are 4 rows, some cells with vertical merge, and some with horizontal merge.
private Tbl createTableWithContent() { Tbl table = factory.createTbl(); // for TEST: this adds borders to all cells TblPr tblPr = new TblPr(); TblStyle tblStyle = new TblStyle(); tblStyle.setVal("TableGrid"); tblPr.setTblStyle(tblStyle); table.setTblPr(tblPr); Tr tableRow = factory.createTr();
// a default table cell style DocxStyle defStyle = new DocxStyle(); defStyle.setBold(false); defStyle.setItalic(false); defStyle.setUnderline(false); defStyle.setHorizAlignment(JcEnumeration.CENTER); // a specific table cell style DocxStyle style = new DocxStyle(); style.setBold(true); style.setItalic(true); style.setUnderline(true); style.setFontSize("40"); style.setFontColor("FF0000"); style.setFontFamily("Book Antiqua"); style.setTop(300); style.setBackground("CCFFCC"); style.setVerticalAlignment(STVerticalJc.CENTER); style.setHorizAlignment(JcEnumeration.CENTER); style.setBorderTop(true); style.setBorderBottom(true); style.setNoWrap(true); addTableCell(tableRow, "Field 1", 3500, style, 1, null); // start vertical merge for Filed 2 and Field 3 on 3 rows addTableCell(tableRow, "Field 2", 3500, defStyle, 1, "restart"); addTableCell(tableRow, "Field 3", 1500, defStyle, 1, "restart"); table.getContent().add(tableRow); tableRow = factory.createTr(); addTableCell(tableRow, "Text", 3500, defStyle, 1, null); addTableCell(tableRow, "", 3500, defStyle, 1, ""); addTableCell(tableRow, "", 1500, defStyle, 1, ""); table.getContent().add(tableRow); tableRow = factory.createTr(); addTableCell(tableRow, "Interval", 3500, defStyle, 1, null); addTableCell(tableRow, "", 3500, defStyle, 1, "close"); addTableCell(tableRow, "", 1500, defStyle, 1, "close"); table.getContent().add(tableRow); // add an image horizontally merged on 3 cells String filenameHint = null; String altText = null; int id1 = 0; int id2 = 1; byte[] bytes = getImageBytes(); P pImage; try { pImage = newImage(wordMLPackage, bytes, filenameHint, altText, id1, id2, 8500); tableRow = factory.createTr(); addTableCell(tableRow, pImage, 8500, defStyle, 3, null); table.getContent().add(tableRow); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
return table; }
The most important method is addTableCell with two signatures, one for an image and one for a text cell:
private void addTableCell(Tr tableRow, P image, int width, DocxStyle style,
int horizontalMergedCells, String verticalMergedVal) { Tc tableCell = factory.createTc(); addImageCellStyle(tableCell, image, style); setCellWidth(tableCell, width); setCellVMerge(tableCell, verticalMergedVal); setCellHMerge(tableCell, horizontalMergedCells); tableRow.getContent().add(tableCell); } private void addTableCell(Tr tableRow, String content, int width,
DocxStyle style, int horizontalMergedCells, String verticalMergedVal) { Tc tableCell = factory.createTc(); addCellStyle(tableCell, content, style); setCellWidth(tableCell, width); setCellVMerge(tableCell, verticalMergedVal); setCellHMerge(tableCell, horizontalMergedCells); if (style.isNoWrap()) { setCellNoWrap(tableCell); } tableRow.getContent().add(tableCell); }
Then we look at addCellStyle method:
private void addCellStyle(Tc tableCell, String content, DocxStyle style) { if (style != null) { P paragraph = factory.createP(); Text text = factory.createText(); text.setValue(content); R run = factory.createR(); run.getContent().add(text); paragraph.getContent().add(run); setHorizontalAlignment(paragraph, style.getHorizAlignment()); RPr runProperties = factory.createRPr(); if (style.isBold()) { addBoldStyle(runProperties); } if (style.isItalic()) { addItalicStyle(runProperties); } if (style.isUnderline()) { addUnderlineStyle(runProperties); } setFontSize(runProperties, style.getFontSize()); setFontColor(runProperties, style.getFontColor()); setFontFamily(runProperties, style.getFontFamily()); setCellMargins(tableCell, style.getTop(), style.getRight(),
style.getBottom(), style.getLeft()); setCellColor(tableCell, style.getBackground()); setVerticalAlignment(tableCell, style.getVerticalAlignment()); setCellBorders(tableCell, style.isBorderTop(), style.isBorderRight(),
style.isBorderBottom(), style.isBorderLeft()); run.setRPr(runProperties); tableCell.getContent().add(paragraph); } }and the same method for image:
private void addImageCellStyle(Tc tableCell, P image, DocxStyle style) { setCellMargins(tableCell, style.getTop(), style.getRight(),
style.getBottom(), style.getLeft()); setCellColor(tableCell, style.getBackground()); setVerticalAlignment(tableCell, style.getVerticalAlignment()); setHorizontalAlignment(image, style.getHorizAlignment()); setCellBorders(tableCell, style.isBorderTop(), style.isBorderRight(),
style.isBorderBottom(), style.isBorderLeft()); tableCell.getContent().add(image); }To create an image paragraph we will do the following:
public P newImage(WordprocessingMLPackage wordMLPackage, byte[] bytes,
String filenameHint, String altText, int id1, int id2, long cx) throws Exception { BinaryPartAbstractImage imagePart = BinaryPartAbstractImage.createImagePart(wordMLPackage, bytes); Inline inline = imagePart.createImageInline(filenameHint, altText, id1, id2, cx, false); // Now add the inline in w:p/w:r/w:drawing ObjectFactory factory = Context.getWmlObjectFactory(); P p = factory.createP(); R run = factory.createR(); p.getContent().add(run); Drawing drawing = factory.createDrawing(); run.getContent().add(drawing); drawing.getAnchorOrInline().add(inline); return p; }Then we present all methods used to set cell properties (names are self explanatory):
private void setCellBorders(Tc tableCell, boolean borderTop, boolean borderRight,
boolean borderBottom, boolean borderLeft) { TcPr tableCellProperties = tableCell.getTcPr(); if (tableCellProperties == null) { tableCellProperties = new TcPr(); tableCell.setTcPr(tableCellProperties); } CTBorder border = new CTBorder(); // border.setColor("auto"); border.setColor("0000FF"); border.setSz(new BigInteger("20")); border.setSpace(new BigInteger("0")); border.setVal(STBorder.SINGLE); TcBorders borders = new TcBorders(); if (borderBottom) { borders.setBottom(border); } if (borderTop) { borders.setTop(border); } if (borderLeft) { borders.setLeft(border); } if (borderRight) { borders.setRight(border); } tableCellProperties.setTcBorders(borders); } private void setCellWidth(Tc tableCell, int width) { if (width > 0) { TcPr tableCellProperties = tableCell.getTcPr(); if (tableCellProperties == null) { tableCellProperties = new TcPr(); tableCell.setTcPr(tableCellProperties); } TblWidth tableWidth = new TblWidth(); tableWidth.setType("dxa"); tableWidth.setW(BigInteger.valueOf(width)); tableCellProperties.setTcW(tableWidth); } } private void setCellNoWrap(Tc tableCell) { TcPr tableCellProperties = tableCell.getTcPr(); if (tableCellProperties == null) { tableCellProperties = new TcPr(); tableCell.setTcPr(tableCellProperties); } BooleanDefaultTrue b = new BooleanDefaultTrue(); b.setVal(true); tableCellProperties.setNoWrap(b); } private void setCellVMerge(Tc tableCell, String mergeVal) { if (mergeVal != null) { TcPr tableCellProperties = tableCell.getTcPr(); if (tableCellProperties == null) { tableCellProperties = new TcPr(); tableCell.setTcPr(tableCellProperties); } VMerge merge = new VMerge(); if (!"close".equals(mergeVal)) { merge.setVal(mergeVal); } tableCellProperties.setVMerge(merge); } } private void setCellHMerge(Tc tableCell, int horizontalMergedCells) { if (horizontalMergedCells > 1) { TcPr tableCellProperties = tableCell.getTcPr(); if (tableCellProperties == null) { tableCellProperties = new TcPr(); tableCell.setTcPr(tableCellProperties); } GridSpan gridSpan = new GridSpan(); gridSpan.setVal(new BigInteger(String.valueOf(horizontalMergedCells))); tableCellProperties.setGridSpan(gridSpan); tableCell.setTcPr(tableCellProperties); } } private void setCellColor(Tc tableCell, String color) { if (color != null) { TcPr tableCellProperties = tableCell.getTcPr(); if (tableCellProperties == null) { tableCellProperties = new TcPr(); tableCell.setTcPr(tableCellProperties); } CTShd shd = new CTShd(); shd.setFill(color); tableCellProperties.setShd(shd); } } private void setCellMargins(Tc tableCell, int top, int right, int bottom, int left) { TcPr tableCellProperties = tableCell.getTcPr(); if (tableCellProperties == null) { tableCellProperties = new TcPr(); tableCell.setTcPr(tableCellProperties); } TcMar margins = new TcMar(); if (bottom > 0) { TblWidth bW = new TblWidth(); bW.setType("dxa"); bW.setW(BigInteger.valueOf(bottom)); margins.setBottom(bW); } if (top > 0) { TblWidth tW = new TblWidth(); tW.setType("dxa"); tW.setW(BigInteger.valueOf(top)); margins.setTop(tW); } if (left > 0) { TblWidth lW = new TblWidth(); lW.setType("dxa"); lW.setW(BigInteger.valueOf(left)); margins.setLeft(lW); } if (right > 0) { TblWidth rW = new TblWidth(); rW.setType("dxa"); rW.setW(BigInteger.valueOf(right)); margins.setRight(rW); } tableCellProperties.setTcMar(margins); } private void setVerticalAlignment(Tc tableCell, STVerticalJc align) { if (align != null) { TcPr tableCellProperties = tableCell.getTcPr(); if (tableCellProperties == null) { tableCellProperties = new TcPr(); tableCell.setTcPr(tableCellProperties); } CTVerticalJc valign = new CTVerticalJc(); valign.setVal(align); tableCellProperties.setVAlign(valign); } }
private void setFontSize(RPr runProperties, String fontSize) { if (fontSize != null && !fontSize.isEmpty()) { HpsMeasure size = new HpsMeasure(); size.setVal(new BigInteger(fontSize)); runProperties.setSz(size); runProperties.setSzCs(size); }
private void setFontFamily(RPr runProperties, String fontFamily) { if (fontFamily != null) { RFonts rf = runProperties.getRFonts(); if (rf == null) { rf = new RFonts(); runProperties.setRFonts(rf); } rf.setAscii(fontFamily); }
private void setFontColor(RPr runProperties, String color) { if (color != null) { Color c = new Color(); c.setVal(color); runProperties.setColor(c); } } private void setHorizontalAlignment(P paragraph, JcEnumeration hAlign) { if (hAlign != null) { PPr pprop = new PPr(); Jc align = new Jc(); align.setVal(hAlign); pprop.setJc(align); paragraph.setPPr(pprop); } } private void addBoldStyle(RPr runProperties) { BooleanDefaultTrue b = new BooleanDefaultTrue(); b.setVal(true); runProperties.setB(b); } private void addItalicStyle(RPr runProperties) { BooleanDefaultTrue b = new BooleanDefaultTrue(); b.setVal(true); runProperties.setI(b); } private void addUnderlineStyle(RPr runProperties) { U val = new U(); val.setVal(UnderlineEnumeration.SINGLE); runProperties.setU(val); }As you see it takes some work to generate a simple file. Docx4j is also slow and it's api looks awful for Java programers with short method names and classes, but this is the result of internally using Jaxb mapping. Despite these things, if you need to generate a docx file, you should take Docx4j as a suitable candidate.
How would you insert the table at a specific location?
ReplyDeleteThanks, your tutorial very goods^^
ReplyDeleteVery Nice Article it's very Informative i have learnt lot.Thanks for sharing.Such Informative Article How to set margins in word