| Test| Develop| Deploy|
2015| 1450| 5800| 870|
2016| 2500| 10000| 0|
2017| 0| 3500| 250|
Define a simple CSV file which keeps the data:
year,teamId,sum 2015,Test,480 2015,Develop,800 2015,Deploy,300 .....To create our pivot, first we need to read the data in an appropriate structure Map<YearTeam, List<Person>> where YearTeam is also a simple POJO containg year and teamId. For this, Collectors.groupingBy method will really help.
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(",");
Map<YearTeam, List<Person>> grouped = new HashMap<>();
try (BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName));) {
grouped = in
.map(line -> {
String[] arr = pattern.split(line);
return new Person(
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(x -> new YearTeam(x.getYear(), x.getTeamId())));
Having this map, we want to print first the teams header and then every year with total sum. First step is to obtain the set of teams:Set<String> teams = map .keySet() .stream() .map(x -> x.getTeamId()) .collect(Collectors.toCollection(TreeSet::new));
We can define some useful parameters for pretty printing:
public static int COLUMN_WIDTH = 9; public static String COLUMN_DELIMITER = "|"; public static String LINE_DELIMITER = "-";And some print utilities methods:
private static void printLineDelimiter(int columns) { System.out.println(); System.out.println(String.join("", Collections.nCopies( columns*(COLUMN_WIDTH +1), LINE_DELIMITER))); } private static void printTeamsHeader(Set<String> teams) { System.out.printf("%" + (COLUMN_WIDTH + 1) + "s", COLUMN_DELIMITER); teams.stream().forEach(t -> System.out.printf("%" + (COLUMN_WIDTH + 1) + "s", t + COLUMN_DELIMITER)); } private static void printYear(int year) { System.out.printf("%" + (COLUMN_WIDTH +1) + "s" , year + COLUMN_DELIMITER); } private static void printTotal(long total) { System.out.printf("%" + COLUMN_WIDTH + "s", total); }With these we can start to print teams header:
int columns = teams.size()+1; printLineDelimiter(columns); printTeamsHeader(teams); printLineDelimiter(columns);Next we need to print actual data. To compute the total sum we will use Collectors.summingLong :
Set<Integer> years = map .keySet() .stream() .map(x -> x.getYear()) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); years .stream() .forEach(y -> { printYear(y); teams.stream().forEach(t -> { YearTeam yt = new YearTeam(y, t); List<Person> persons = map.get(yt); long total = persons == null ? 0 : persons.stream() .collect(Collectors.summingLong(Person::getSum)); printTotal(total); System.out.print(COLUMN_DELIMITER); }); printLineDelimiter(columns); });